Zhou Hui
Senior Counsel

Zhou Hui is a Bachelor of Arts in French Language and International Economic Law from Fudan University, and a Master of Business Administration from Hautes Etudes Commercials Paris, France.

Zhou has more than 10 years’ experience in cross-border mergers and acquisition markets, and she is experienced in cross-border mergers and acquisition, international business consulting, private equity, corporate compliance business, and other services.

What’s more, Zhou provides legal advisory support for greenfield investment companies in the new establishment, financing of listed, land development, and other business. She provides consulting for financial clients’ branches in Paris, such as China Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of China, Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank, and also offering daily legal services for them.

Office location:Shanghai


Business field:cross border M&A  丨 International business consulting 丨  private equity/corporate compliance

Industry field:investment and financing

Working language:Chinese  |  English