Shi Daxiao
Senior Counsel

Shi Daxiao is the professor of the Law School of Fudan University, and a part-time lawyer at the same time. He graduated from the Law School of Peking University with bachelor, master and doctorate degrees.

Shi was a postdoctoral researcher at the Law School of Cornell University, and he also was a visiting professor at the Law School of Case Western Reserve University in the United States, a visiting professor at the Law School of the University of Eastern Finland in Finland and a visiting scholar at Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. His translations include “The History of Common Law in England” (sole translation), “European Law: Past and Future” (sole translation), “The Common Law Tradition” (participant translation), and so on. He also wrote several famous papers such as “The Heritage of Savini”. Shi’s main business area is dispute resolution.

Office location:Shanghai


Business field:dispute resolution

Industry field:Finance

Working language:Chinese  |  English