Du Yifang
Senior Counsel

Dr. Du is a Bachelor of Laws from Jilin University and a Doctor of Laws from Zhejiang University. She is currently an associate professor of the Law School of Fudan University, and a visiting scholar both of Kyoto University and Chiba University in Japan. Dr. Du’s main research field is comparative administrative law.

Dr. Du has published many academic papers in periodicals such as “China Legal Science”, “The Jurist”, “Contemporary Law Review”, “Political Science and Law”, “ECUPL Journal”, “Modern Law Science”, and so on. She also has presided over many topics of the National Social Science Foundation, Ministry of Education, Chinese Law Society, and so on. Du can work in English and Japanese. Du’s main practice areas are scientific technology and finance, disputes resolution.

Office location:Shanghai


Business field:Sci-tech and finance 丨 dispute resolution

Industry field:administrative law

Working language:Chinese  |  English